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Moving Music interviews musicians, and those in the music industry, about the film or album that most influenced them. Listeners peek into the intimate and emotional conversations resulting from the inspiration of these art forms. Our aim with this effort is to affect and influence the way people think and feel through artistic collaboration.

Mar 3, 2017


     Violent events of the last decade, and even longer, have made us skeptical on the direction of mental illness reform. What can be perceived as a threat from beyond actually lurks within the walls of what is known to us. A closer examination reveals a kaleidoscope of things we do not yet understand. If a wide net is cast, then what is to be done with those that don’t really fit into the bucket they are thrown in? Did we misunderstand, mislabel, misguide, mislead or do we just want to forget and ignore the hard truth? Are they walls we actually erected within ourselves? There is no one answer solution.

     Our first Academy Award for best picture comes with this examination. Kirk Douglas purchased the script that became a Broadway play, and later, his son Michael, partnered with Saul Zaentz, to produce this 1975 best picture. Milos Foreman was the perfect director given his experience originating from a stifling Czech Republic communistic regime. Louise Fletcher and Jack Nicholson won Academy Awards as they portrayed a truly frightening, and very tangible story about the struggle for control; and the consequences for losing it.

     Mark Rhodes and I actually, not kidding, met at his side job. We hit it off right away and realized we knew the same musicians and possibly had been around each other before. Our love of music and movies drove the conversation and his film selection was right in my wheelhouse.  This interview was a dance of like minds hoping to point out the potential issues of mental health reform and the idea of control. Institutional control, and for that matter, control in general, should be examined, checked, and challenged. We even discuss our pets of the past, lest we forget. This collaboration is offered as the movie that moved Mark Rhodes.

In loving memory of Lando, Ringo, and most recently Ginger.